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Here is a current list of quantities on hand for the inventory items currently for sale: Complete Current Inventory (250KB +-).

Please understand that we work with food & handcraft workers around the world whose lives and production are susceptible to the consequences of floods, hurricanes, tornados, regional unrest and other events that, for some of us, are minor inconveniences. Due to these events, we don't always have items in stock as planned.

This inventory list is updated every 30 minutes. Quantities are, of course, bound to change.

To search this list for particular SKUs or descriptions, use your browser's search tool.

To print this list, use your browser's printing capability.

Please note that we do not guarantee the availability of this information.


Here is a current list of inventory items that are NOT in stock: Unavailable Inventory (80KB+-) These are items that we do not expect to order again in the near future. They cannot be back ordered. We recommend you take them off your order form.


We also offer a file of current inventory available for those who need a data file to update their computerized inventory. It is a CSV (comma separated variable) file containing the product SKU, product name, retail price and UPC code: UPC Inventory File .csv (125KB+-). Save it to your computer and use it as you wish.